Steve Caswell posted a new activity comment 5 years, 6 months ago
@royalhadassah Welcome to the site. Please post a message and introduce yourself.
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Steve Caswell posted a new activity comment 5 years, 6 months ago
@royalhadassah Welcome to the site. Please post a message and introduce yourself.
Hi, This is Hadassah, and I live in Toronto, Canada.
I’m so happy to have discovered your site, by the grace of The Most High.
I’ve been a born-again believer in Yeshua for a very long time, but quite discontented with main stream church, so for a number of years I’ve been just visiting sometimes, while praying and waiting for Abba Father to…[Read more]
Glad to have you here, that’s why we are here. I started this site to bless people and offer a place of fellowship to those who do not have a local fellowship. The groups on this site are owned and operated by members on this site. Some of them are operated by myself and the site administration, but we are here to bless people and make everyone…[Read more]
Hi Steve, thank you for your reply and for your ministry. I am looking forward to fellowshipping with you all. I’ve joined some of the groups, including the one in my area I mentioned earlier. I hope they are still active and that they are able to connect with me soon. God bless you my brother. Have a blessed evening.
I want to bless you so deeply that even though it will not parallel Messiahs Love, it will be so great that you would never expect anything could come out of anyone in the flesh.