SecretSeniorMan @netguy Active 1 week ago When people say if Elohim can use a donkey they can use them. Allow me to remind you that I’m the Jackass they are referring to. LoL View ActivityProfileFriends 55Groups 8ForumsGallery 5Media 32 All32 Albums9 Photos32 Videos0 Music0 Create an Album Album Title : Album Description : Create Album Please login You need to be logged in to upload Media or to create Album. Click HERE to login. Media Gallery Upload Obey_YHVH Twerk RedneckRidingLawnMower HomeFromWork RedneckGrill&Cooler RedneckTireRepair RedneckObama TurkeyHunt WhenI_FixIt RedneckTable RedneckInCity RedneckFlagDefense redneck_pool urine logo SilencePowerfulMessage YourSpirit FishersOfMen FB_IMG_1538016657545 SmallGroupSabbathBinoculars Load More