
  • SecretSeniorMan posted an update 5 years ago

    @kellymcdowell I hope you are doing well and enjoying this site. It’s good to see that some people have been joining your group.

  • SecretSeniorMan posted a new activity comment 5 years, 1 month ago

    I want to bless you so deeply that even though it will not parallel Messiahs Love, it will be so great that you would never expect anything could come out of anyone in the flesh.

  • SecretSeniorMan posted a new activity comment 5 years, 1 month ago

    Glad to have you here, that’s why we are here. I started this site to bless people and offer a place of fellowship to those who do not have a local fellowship. The groups on this site are owned and operated by members on this site. Some of them are operated by myself and the site administration, but we are here to bless people and make everyone…[Read more]

    • Hi Steve, thank you for your reply and for your ministry. I am looking forward to fellowshipping with you all. I’ve joined some of the groups, including the one in my area I mentioned earlier. I hope they are still active and that they are able to connect with me soon. God bless you my brother. Have a blessed evening.

      • I want to bless you so deeply that even though it will not parallel Messiahs Love, it will be so great that you would never expect anything could come out of anyone in the flesh.

  • if you are still walking in a ditch and trying to straighten out the people who have escaped from the ditch, why do you still think you are better than they are?

  • He does not delight in the strength of the horse, He takes no pleasure in the legs of a man. יהוה takes pleasure in those who fear Him, In those who wait for His loving-commitment. Extol יהוה, O Yerushalayim! Praise your Elohim, O Tsiyon!
    Tehillim (Psalms) 147:10‭-‬12 TS2009

  • Elohim truths are hidden in the scripture for all to see. Only the babes in Messiah, those with eyes to see and ears to hear will see them. The wise and prudent will not because they see something different which is not the truth as it is revealed. The greatest healing for your eyesight comes from learning great humility.

  • I was watching a live chat on Michael Rood’s YouTube channel last night even though the video was prerecorded. It’s very commercialized and very much a business more than it is a genuine ministry. The man indeed is very knowlegable, but he reminds me of the scribes and pharisees. The words of Messiah came into my mind when he said, “Do what…[Read more]

  • Don\’t just seek the sod of the word, seek the sod of the Ruach!

  • Forget the \”sod of the word\” as some teach, what about the \”sod of the Ruach?\” This is what I am focusing on next on my videos on and What do you want to support? The worlds websites or websites built by people of faith? Your choice will reveal your heart and spirit.

  • When you appoint moderators in your ministry, you hinder the work of the Ruach. This ministry has no moderators. Do you realize that FB and other popular social networking sites have more moderators than you can imagine and yet people who claim they are in the faith flock to them? Why do you return to Egypt?

  • You\’re lucky if you find me on farcebook any more. In fact, it\’s far down my list of links when I open my browser. Think on it. If Farcebook is still on the forefront of your mind, I\’m sorry.

  • Since I have hired advertisers to show ads on this site, they have been free to add what they want until I could review what they want to place here. I am now at a point to see that even though they scan the content of this site, because they are not spiritually minded they still don’t have a clue. So I am starting to block unwanted ads from this…[Read more]

  • Learning the truth of scripture. We are here to feed the sheep, not to entertain the goats. The goats are those who rise into leadership, call themselves Rabbi, Senior Pastor or such things. This is not the instruction Messiah gave. He taught us to be servants. The goats will not understand this. Which side of the fence are you…[Read more]

  • If you were born in \’57 you are 62 this year. If you were born in \’62 you are 57 this year.

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