
  • @katyelise I hope you had a good Sabbath.

  • coopermarie was removed from the site. This account was a scammer.

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  • Blessed Sabbath everyone!

  • Me: God, can I ask You a question?

    God: Sure

    Me: Promise You won’t get mad

    God: I promise

    Me: Why did You let so much stuff happen to me today?

    God: What do u mean?

    Me: Well, I woke up late

    God: Yes

    Me: My car took forever to start

    God: Okay

    Me: at lunch they made my sandwich wrong & I had to wait

    God: Huummm

    Me: On the way home, my…[Read more]

  • If you are so insecure about your appearance that you airbrush your photos or do other things that make you look better than you actually are, it means you do not love yourself for who you are. It also means that there is a good possibility you can’t accept other people for who they are either. If so, you need to do a lot of self examination…[Read more]

    • Shalom Steve what you is simple to understand I like simple and direct no wiggle room going off on tangents of what one word means in Greek or Hebrew get off the subject at times I had to experience in the spirit countless times the same feeling overwhelmed with grief and despair at times a good beating would be better quick and over with all I…[Read more]

      • Thank you for your response. Not many people understand the deeper things of life or even the sod (Hebrew, pronounced sowed meaning depth) of the word. You are getting it. Messiah brought the truth in harsher reality than I do and there are those who arise in resistance to defend themselves. They reveal their flesh and selfishness. Messiah…[Read more]

  • The rifleman preaches on Job. I think this is a big reason I like this show because I hear them talk Bible in this series.

    [Read more]

  • Video of a woman literally controlling a man.

  • I don’t necessarily support Dave Ramsey as a spiritual leader, but he does have a lot of knowledge on financial matters.

    [Read more]

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  • When I look around wondering why so many people are messed up, then I look at myself I think, oh, that\’s why, because they\’re like me.

  • Man’s first mistake was listening to his wife. Hello men? Look where it got us.

    And to the man He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘Do not eat of it’: “Cursed is the ground because of you, in toil you are to eat of it all the days of your life, and the ground…[Read more]

  • The Jezebel spirit is born out of rebellion and witchcraft. She claims to love Elohim (God) but instead her father is the devil.

  • Messiah’s Love

    Every once in a while a ewe gives birth to a lamb and for whatever reason she rejects the baby. It’s possible the mother is old and just too tired to deal with the baby or possibly she doesn’t have enough milk for twin lambs and she decides that rejecting one of them is necessary. If the lamb is returned to the ewe, the mother m…[Read more]

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