
Member's groups

  • Group logo of End Time Preparedness
    Active 2 years, 9 months ago

    Preparing the Mishpocah for the end time journey. How to prepare ahead of time and have Shalom. Watch the video about the truth of Nasa and what is actually on the moon.

    Private Group / 22 members
  • Group logo of Healing Wounded Spirits
    Active 2 years, 10 months ago

    Many of us have came out of abuse. Let’s share our experiences and how we have escaped our prisons.

    Public Group / 21 members
  • Group logo of Prophetic Point
    Active 2 years, 10 months ago

    Research and study concerning end time Biblical prophecy.

    Public Group / 27 members
  • Group logo of Exposing Pagan Practices
    Active 3 years, 5 months ago

    Discussion about pagan holidays & practices and why they should not be kept. This group is for the purpose of exposing the unfruitful works of darkness done through pagan holidays, practices and discussing those […]

    Public Group / 17 members
  • Group logo of Jezebel Spirit (Narcissism and NPD)
    Active 4 years ago

    We will delve into the hidden areas of the Jezebel spirit and what it means.

    Public Group / 6 members

Important Links

Our own Video sharing site Shalom Tube

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September 2024

Recently Active Members

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Profile picture of Gerald Murasky
Profile picture of Janet Blue Null
Profile picture of Mike and Greta Warner
Profile picture of Cathrine
Profile picture of This is True
Profile picture of Ian Michaels
Profile picture of Elaine Williams
Profile picture of Lchaim
Profile picture of Linda Wren- Clark
Profile picture of Judith