Steve Caswell posted an update in the group
Torah Teachings 3 years, 8 months ago
I’m looking forward to more activity here. I am very interested in learning and sharing more about Torah. Since I have learned that we still need to keep the Moedim and reading scripture for myself I have learned more truths. Coming out of the denomination I was in and seeking the Father with other set apart believers has been a good experience for me.
Martyn posted an update in the group
Torah Teachings 3 years, 11 months ago
I joined the group but the time difference between USA and Malta makes it hard to be live when others are on. Still I would like to ask, what is your say when it comes to Covid-19 vaccine?
Steve Caswell posted an update in the group
Torah Teachings 3 years, 11 months ago
Love the title and the description. Best of success with this group.
SecretSeniorMan posted an update in the group
Mens Fellowship 6 years, 4 months ago
Men, when you are seeking a woman and she wants to take on the role of a man, drop her instantly and move on. This is not a Biblical woman. Nor is she born again. You\’re better off not having a woman. If your sex drive dictates, then go work on yourself.
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