@brendahioks you can correct your username to brendahooks if you want to. I remember when you registered you must have accidentally hit a wrong key. To do so, just go to Profile > Settings > Change Username
Thank you for remembering!
In some ways I have an extremely good memory while in other ways I can’t remember where I put something that I sat down just a few seconds ago. LOL
SecretSeniorMan posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago
When people say if Elohim can use a donkey they can use them. Allow me to remind you that I\’m the Jackass they are referring to. LoL
SecretSeniorMan posted an update 5 years, 4 months ago
Please help our sister, Spring who is in need of medical help and needs help with the funds so she can go ahead with this. https://www.gofundme.com/f/need-to-pay-for-dental-procedure
SecretSeniorMan posted an update 5 years, 4 months ago
There was a king in the land of MA, he was the MA King and he had a pet. It was a bird and it was known as the Ma King Bird. people would come from miles around to see this bird because it could talk plain English like you and I and carry on in-depth conversations. The bird had a very sarcastic sense of humor and would rip people, kind of like a…[Read more]
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