SecretSeniorMan created the group Exposing Pagan Practices 5 years, 7 months ago
SecretSeniorMan posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago
He who is patient and rules over his spirit is better than the narcissist who owns houses and land and conquers much.
SecretSeniorMan posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago
Are you a daughter of Sarah, or a daughter of Babylon?
A righteous woman does not gain her beauty from wearing makeup, wearing jewelry, coloring her hair or any other outward types of adorning. But rather from a meek and quiet spirit. Neither does she do any of these things just a little bit and make excuses for any time she does. She doesn’t do…[Read more]
Very nice blog thank you brother I ❤ it!
It’s been a pleasure knowing you over the years @merle, I count you as my best friend. You are able to receive the truth. I have seen many who resist the truth and get upset, but it only shows they do not know Messiah. Only the truly humble understand the Father’s word.
SecretSeniorMan posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago
@merle I hope you are doing well and that you had a good Sabbath.
Gary posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago
Our Master makes a very clear and
emphatic teaching regarding the value and eternal nature of the Torah. He came to establish the Torah in the lives of His followers, not to abolish it, that is, render it ineffective. Had He taught the cessation of the Torah, He would have properly been labelled as a false prophet, for the Torah is the eternal…[Read more] -
SecretSeniorMan posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago
coopermarie was removed from the site. This account was a scammer.
SecretSeniorMan posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago
How should we keep the Sabbath?Those who think that since we are in Yahushua, everyday is the Sabbath would think twice if they knew that if this were the case, then they would never be permitted to work or do anything having to do with our own pleasures on the Sabbath. There are many blessings… -
Gary posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago
The idea of “living by doing” is neither foreign to the message of
Yeshua nor to His Apostles. Neither is it contrary to the message of
forgiveness by grace taught everywhere in the Scriptures, from the
beginning to the end. God’s grace is the fountain from which flows
His mercy and forgiveness. It is His grace and His grace alone that
Gary posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago
Life as God intends comes
from living according to His statutes and judgments, i.e., making
life’s decisions with His teachings (Torah) well in mind, as having
them written upon the heart. Thus, living according to God’s stat-
utes is a twofold endeavor: we must guard ourselves against the ever
encroaching “norms” of the pagan nations, and we…[
Gary posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago
Since the beginning, mankind has believed the lie that
God’s way is not the only way. Adam and Chavah were fooled by
the Deceiver into thinking that they could go their own way—that
they could determine their own destiny and create their own righ-
teousness. Ever since sin entered the world, mankind has rebelled
against God, creating his own…[Read more] - Load More