
We are new and growing so information will be added here as needed. For now, contact NetGuy for help.

We are sort of a cross between Facebook and Twitter. Mostly because each member has a user ID that begins with @. Mine is @netguy because my nickname is NetGuy. So if you wish to post a message that a member will receive, simply use their site ID and add the @ before it.

We hope to develop a peaceful community and present the truths of scripture. So many people have been deceived by false teachers who sound smart and knowledgeable because many are dull of hearing and have not read the scriptures for themselves. We encourage every member to read the scriptures on your own. There are no more Rabbi’s in Messiah’s body, he told us that he alone is our Rabbi and we are not to be called Rabbi. Anyone who promotes themselves as a Rabbi is a false teacher. Although there are people who are able to teach, the position of Rabbi is one that elevates a person above others. Messiah taught us we are all brethren and equal and he alone is our Rabbi.

Matthew 23:8-12 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

8 “But you are not to let yourselves be called ‘Rabbi’; because you have one Rabbi, and you are all each other’s brothers. 9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘Father.’ because you have one Father, and he is in heaven. 10 Nor are you to let yourselves be called ‘leaders,’ because you have one Leader, and he is the Messiah! 11 The greatest among you must be your servant, 12 for whoever promotes himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be promoted.


When you go into your profile and click on Forums, if you have not created any topics there will be nothing there. To create forums, click on Forums at the top and scroll down. You can add topics there. The topics you create will appear on your profile.

Notifications will appear at the top right just to the left of your name. You can use your real name on this site or a nickname. Hover your mouse pointer over your name at the top right of the page to get a list of options. Hover over Media in that list to find your Photos and Albums.

You can add links and youtube videos in posts. This helps to enhance the experience here. Granted we don’t have all the bells and whistles, but it should be obvious that enough is in place that the site is highly functional. And I am always working on more. So hangeth in there! 🙂

You are not required to use your real name, although you can if you want to. You may use a nickname instead if you choose to.

If you want to write your own articles on this site, simply start a group and you can write your articles there.

You can post a website address in your status and it will appear as a link.

You can also post videos from Youtube in your status and the video will appear there. Just put the link to the video into the status.

You can use emoticons in the status such as : & ) put together to get 🙂

When you Like a post, our site saves it in a list for you that you can look at anytime.

You can tag people in posts here if you want to. You would need to get the username that shows on their profile that begins with the at symbol. You can bring up a list of names simply by typing @ into the post and then clicking on the people you want to tag in your post.Once we know better what member needs are we will add more information here.


When posting a reply to a post, do it as a reply under the original post and not as a new independent post.

Be sure that when replying to a post it follows the subject of the original post. Also, please to not argue or try to outdo others.

Important Links

Our own Video sharing site Shalom Tube

Verse of the Day
Loading’s verse of the day…

Take a look at Healthy, Freeze Dried Foods and other healthy foods on our site at

March 2025

Recently Active Members

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Profile picture of Mike and Greta Warner
Profile picture of Cathrine
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Profile picture of Ian Michaels
Profile picture of Elaine Williams
Profile picture of Lchaim
Profile picture of Linda Wren- Clark