On Sabbath we were talking about how we do not become divided. We are the body of Messiah and if we reject a person simply over disagreements we are not walking in the Ruach or love of Messiah. If there is anyone In the body with whom you have separated from, go make it right with them and reunite. Scripture teaches we are ministers of reconciliation. HaSatan wants to bring division. So if we are being divided, who do you think is behind that? Here is a clue, it’s certainly not the Ruach.
We are taught in scripture not to have any schisms among us. If you have separated from people in the faith you need to repent and reunite with those people. Just because we disagree with someone or see things differently, does not always make us right. We all have different personalities, which mean we all think a bit differently. Let’s have some understanding and love toward one another so that we can forgive. Because unless we forgive others, neither will the Father forgive us. This is a very serious matter, in fact more serious than many realize.
Let’s repent and move forward in unity into the Father’s kingdom. Not in unforgiveness and division that could cause us also to lose out on eternal life. Without forgiveness, we are already lost. But through forgiveness and the love of Messiah we can unite and become stronger together in spite of our differences.
Let’s rather focus on the things we agree on and fellowship in that so that there are no more divisions among us.